n. 恼怒, 恼怒的原因
n. actions that cause great irritation (or even anger)
1. You disrupt your classes, you exasperate your teachers.
你们扰乱了课堂 惹了老师
2. As a young boy she once exasperated me so I threw a hammer at her.
我小时候 有一次她激怒了我 于是我朝她扔了一把锤子
3. His black moods were accompanied by ill temper, a lack of consideration, exasperation with the world in general, and in particular, with there not being enough crime about to satisfy him.
他情绪低落时脾气火爆 做事冲动 若是没有足够的案子来满足他 他就会对周遭感到愤怒