a. 燃烧中的, 火一般红的, 激动的
adv. 燃烧中
s keenly excited (especially sexually) or indicating excitement
s lighted up by or as by fire or flame
1. Bodies set aflame with no conclusive cause of combustion.
2. The allest spark sets it aflame, and it engulfs everything it touches.
一点点火星都能将其点燃 它会吞噬它所触碰到的一切
3. When the people rose in revolt against him, your father set their towns and castles aflame.
当有人站出来反抗他 您父亲将他们的城镇堡垒焚为废墟
4. I once dreamed of well, I had a vision of a bear, and the bear embraced me, and my heart was aflame.
我曾梦见过...我曾幻想过熊 熊拥抱了我 我的心都燃烧起来了
5. If you have been stricken with a great sadness, you may feel as if you have been set aflame as the sadness spreads over your life, like oke from an enormous fire.
如果你遭受了巨大的悲伤 你可能会觉得自己像被点着了 悲伤在你的生活里蔓延开来 就像一场大火的浓烟