n. 捐助, 天赋, 才能
[经] 捐赠, 捐款, 养老金
n. natural abilities or qualities
n. the capital that provides income for an institution
n. the act of endowing with a permanent source of income
1. And, you know, faculty endowments don't fund themselves.
你懂的 没人捐款哪会有教学资金
2. I'll endow a chair for you here as full professor.
3. With my...goods I thee endow, not that there's much of that.
我的都将属于你 虽然我拥有的并不多
4. But you see, I am endowed with talent, and you with money.
但是 我拥有才华 而您拥有财富
5. Hector the well endowed is trying to lift you.
6. So maybe he upped his contribution to the school's endowment.
有没有可能他把自己的资产 用于资助学校了呢
7. And the reason is, we have to think of ourselves as owning our talents and endowments.
因为人民必须认为自己 完全拥有自己的才能与天赋
8. And developing this property to fund an endowment for our school.
开发这块地皮 来为我们的学校提供经费
9. You mean situations where you need to protect the endowment.
10. And we have a certain innate endowment, but so, of course, does the machine.
同时我们具有与生俱来的天赋 但机器也同样有此天赋