vt. 使随机化
[计] 随机化
v. arrange in random order
1. It has to be random. It's not random.
肯定是隨機作案 不是隨機
2. It was random. It was random. I'm sorry.
是乱来 是乱来 抱歉
3. If they are random, then fine, they're random.
如果它們是隨機的 那沒問題
4. They want it to look random but it isn't, there's nothing random about it.
他们希望布置成随机的 但并非如此 没有一处是随机的
5. All right, so if this wasn't a random burglary gone wrong, it wasn't a random killing, this was personal.
好吧 如果这不是一起盗窃杀人案 那就不是随机杀人 而是私人恩怨
6. As art embraces random association, the random creation of a computer becomes more relevant.
当艺术与随机组合相遇 计算机的随机创作变得更有意义
7. Right, I mean there's just too many random, random folks about and stuff, whatever.
我是说那里有太多 太多无关的人和工作人员 诸如此类
8. All the other numbers fall away, and you're left, if you're picking a number at random, with only seven really feeling like the random number.
其他数字感觉又不对 这时你没得选了 如果你要随机选个数字的话 只有七感觉上像是随机的
9. But there is nothing random about them.
然而 它们并非没有规律
10. So these victims weren't random at all.