n. 疝气
[医] 疝, 突出
n. rupture in smooth muscle tissue through which a bodily structure protrudes
1. You should continue on with your hernia work.
2. What is it? It appears to be an inguinal hernia.
是什么 应该是腹股沟疝气
3. But a year ago, I had a hernia operation.
可一年前 我做疝气手术
4. Maybe a judge who's having hernia surgery.
5. Your hernia and previa procedures, our endoscope.
你们的腹股沟疝治疗法以及胎盘前置修正术 加上我发明的内窥镜
6. Hey, kid, don't give yourself a hernia.
小子 别把自己搞出疝气了
7. I can hear you popping a hernia over here.
8. And I think I'd know if my son had a hernia.
如果我儿子得疝气 我肯定知道
9. I'm getting a hernia just looking at you.
10. I think your patient has a paraesophageal hernia.