a. 能释放的, 可免除的
a. That may be released.
1. We do control what you release, when you release it and all that.
我们得把控你发行的作品 发行的时间 以及其他内容
2. Best I can tell, someone released a press release without her release.
我只知道有人未经她允许 发布了一篇新闻稿
3. We can't release it here it needs to be released in its home territory.
不能在这里放归 必须在它的领地内放归
4. With each thrust of the knife into her body, there's a release, a all release.
他每一次把刀捅入她体内 都得到一点释放 小小的释放
5. When you chewing quickly, it releases tanning, it releases all the bitterness in the chocolate.
当你快速嚼时 可可脂会释放单宁 释放巧克力中所有的苦味
6. Might I recommend you release him before I opt to release you from your mortal coil.
你要是不放开他 也休想我放了你
7. You cannot release your friends without releasing the souls of hundreds of evildoers.
如果你要释放你的朋友 就得释放成百上千作恶棍的灵魂
8. You've been released on bond awaiting trial and your release has come with certain conditions.
你现在是交保候审阶段 你的释放有一些特定条件
9. We will release patients when we feel they're ready to be released and not a moment sooner.
当我们觉得这些患者可以被放走的时候 就会放他们走 否则早一分钟都不行
10. Rugby has helped me release anger, has helped me release stress, which, for most people, would be destructive.
玩橄榄球对大多数人来说有负面影响 但它帮我宣泄怒火 也帮我解压