n. 探索, 寻求, 调查
v. 寻找, 找, 追寻猎物
n. the act of searching for something
v. make a search (for)
v. search the trail of (game)
v. seek alms, as for religious purposes
1. Your quest for civilization is a quest for illusion.
对文明社会的追寻 不过是场幻梦
2. I am going on the vision quest of all vision quests.
3. Then this quest has been for nothing.
4. Yeah, and that's what started her quest.
是的 然后便开始了她的寻宝之旅
5. And now he, too, is on the quest for the sword.
而现在 他也在寻求那把剑
6. It is my quest, and I will not shrink before it.
这是我的目标 我是不会退缩的
7. But I'm sworn not to until I have completed my quest.
8. I was the only one who could finish his quest for him.
9. This was where my father prepared for his quest.
10. So, all of a sudden, your quest for justice... over.
于是突然间 你的正义之路 结束了