n. 牧师, 僧侣, 神职人员
n. in Christianity, clergymen collectively (as distinguished from the laity)
1. With the archdeacon and his clergy in tow.
2. It could be a former priest or member of the clergy.
3. How? I've pissed off all the clergy people in this hospital.
怎么做 我已经惹怒了这医院里所有的神职人员了
4. They were clergy, so I finally called up the archdiocese.
他们是神职 所以我联系了大主教
5. Doctors, clergy, no one has any idea what's wrong with him.
医生 牧师 没有人知道他怎么了
6. In the clergy, we have very strict rules about keeping secrets.
7. when the son of clergy is permitted to the table before a lady of the house.
也能和家里的夫人共进晚餐 或许这才叫人费解
8. That all the clergy and monks and friars were to die a very cruel death.
所有神职人员 僧侣 托钵会修士 都将惨死
9. The tax the Italian people pay to maintain the clergy.