n. 条状发夹
n. a pin for holding women's hair in place
1. Oh she wasn't interested in barrett at all.
2. Barrett's got a laundry list of line items.
3. Barrett and the men have succeeded in keeping the room almost dry.
4. Barrett said change is the one reality we can count on.
5. The men searching the woods for her, all in a line, finding nothing but that barrette.
当年男人们成群结队去林中寻找她 却只发现了她的发夹
6. Barrett it says here you were half an hour late to work on saturday morning.
巴雷特 资料说你周六早上 上班迟到了半小时
7. Barrett's research contributed to the creation of synthetic life on the cellular level.
巴雷特的研究促成了 在细胞水平上创造人造生命
8. My high was finding a barrette in the bathroom, and my low was imagining my new life without it.
我的最高点是在厕所里捡到了一个发夹 而最低点是想象新人生中没有它
9. When we located the pool where she was drowned, we found a matching barrette inside the pool skimmer.
我們在排查她淹死的泳池的時候 在排水濾網那里找到了配對的另一只發夾
10. Barrett taught us that we learn better by using our hands the kinesthesiology of knowledge.
巴雷特教我们实际操作才能学得更好 知识的运动机能学