a. 喜剧的
1. What are youwhat is it's a comedic number.
你怎么 這是一支喜劇舞蹈
2. I'm guessing from your comedic oneliners that you don't know.
从你的俏皮话看来 你还不知道
3. I didn't realize that also played comedically.
我以前没发现 这段还能出喜剧效果
4. And on most days, my stature is only a complement to my sharp comedic wit.
虽然大多数时候 我一直扮演一个 发挥喜剧天赋的配角
5. So instead, I used the class to hone my comedic skills.
6. He was a true comedic genius who mastered the movie parody.
他是个真正的喜剧天才 恶搞电影的大师
7. He's perhaps my greatest influence, and I consider him to be a comedic mentor.
他对我的影响可能是最大的 我也把他当作我的喜剧导师
8. And the hotel's room deposit is nonrefundable, and I'm almost comedically cheap.
旅店房间的定金是不能退款的 而且我看的房间超级便宜
9. You yell out this prewritten quip for which I have prepared a killer comedic response.
就把预先写好的段子大声说出来 我已经对此准备了富有喜剧效果的绝杀回答
10. I was just trying to thread my comedic point of view with this medical talking head.
我只是试着用我医学的头脑 幽默地表达我的观点