1. And I'm gonna blow that shithole camp to ithereens.
2. We got to grab some costumes and ash him to ithereens.
我们得去拿服装 把他解决掉
3. You know what, you found this place, you should do the honors of blowing it to ithereens.
是你找到了这个地方 引爆这里也应该交给你
4. Meanwhile, other guys are getting distracted, blowing themselves to ithereens.
而其他人很容易就会分心 害得自己被炸成碎片
5. Sir, one pulver grenade would blow these snowmen to ithereens.
先生 只需一颗手雷便能将这些雪人炸成粉末
6. Well, that's what you were supposed to find out before the only person who could tell us blew himself to ithereens.
那是你原本应该调查清楚的 结果却让那个唯一能告诉我们答案的人 把自己烧成了碎屑
7. There's enough potential chemical energy in this volume of sodium to blow this building to ithereens.
这么多钠所含的化学能足以 将这栋建筑炸成碎片
8. Max was showing me his artefacts and I noticed the dynamite and I had the ridiculous notion we were about to be blown to ithereens.
馬克斯當時在給我看文物 我看到了炸藥 居然以爲 我們馬上就要被炸成碎片了
9. What we've got here is a story about a moonshiner makin' moonshine when something goes wrong and blows his entire moonshining shack to ithereens.
我们今天要讲的 是一个私酒贩子在酿酒时 由于某个环节出错 结果把整座制酒棚炸成了碎片
10. They're incredibly intelligent animals, and what it would do, it would stop, it would put out its trunk, it would have a sniff, and very easily it would put that huge powerful trunk against it and it would ash this thing to ithereens.
大象是非常聪明的动物 它会怎么做呢 它会停下来 伸出鼻子 闻一闻 它会用它大而有力的鼻子推摄像机 把它碾成碎片