罗斯科(姓氏, 男子名)
1. Roscoe, your gifts are under the tree.
罗斯科 你的礼物在树下
2. Roscoe, I brought you some chicken nuggets.
罗斯科 我给你带了点鸡块
3. Roscoe would never have known the floor wasn't there until he fell right through it.
罗斯科在掉下去之前 永远都不会知道 脚下没有地板
4. Roscoe had to make a family tree for school last year.
5. Roscoe knows the rule if you're away from the table five minutes, your food's in play.
罗斯科知道规矩 离开餐桌五分钟 你的食物就落别人肚中