adv. 很坏地; 很讨厌地; 可怕地; 恶魔似地
r extremely
1. It's been a hellish day and I'm not myself.
今天太折磨人了 我失态了
2. But then, turns out we've all had a hellish night.
3. They were going through a hellish divorce.
4. anyway, I'm also not having a hellish time.
不管怎样 我也觉得不很糟糕
5. The heavenly influences are balancing out the hellish.
6. You're a broken spirit, needing to be freed from this hellish life.
你的灵魂残破补全 理应从这地狱般的生活中解脱出来
7. To fool me into desiring the wings and the hellish throne they accompany.
想勾起我对翅膀的渴望 和与它密不可分的地狱王位
8. Ten minutes in that hellish water, and you'd freeze to death.
在那水里呆十分钟 你就冻死了
9. With temperatures in excess of 120 degrees, it must have been a hellish experience.
工作环境的温度超过了49度 这种活就不是常人能受得了的
10. Look, whatever hellish game you were up to here, you take it to another precinct.
不管你在玩什么恐怖游戏 你去别的地方玩