n. 马赫数, 马赫
[计] 机器检查
n. Austrian physicist and philosopher who introduced the Mach number and who founded logical positivism (1838-1916)
1. I wouldn't have to resort to paper Mache.
2. I ran out of paper to Mache, for our kids.
家里的纸用完了 要给孩子做东西
3. It was like running into a mountain at Mach 10.
4. Mach 7 leaves very little time for equivocation.
5. My car was wet and these leaflets stuck to it like paper Mache.
我的车被淋湿了 这些传单全糊在了上面
6. Mach 6, like riding a rocket ship between your thighs.
速度六馬赫 就像騎在火箭飛船上一樣
7. Mach was a test pilot and I had a crucial job, too: keeping desert turtles off the runway.
马克是试飞员 我的工作也非常重要 把跑道上的沙漠龟清走
8. Even though our pingpong ball was going at Mach 1.4, which is amazing, I can't say that that was successful.
尽管我们的乒乓球达到了1.4倍音速 这当然很赞 但我不能说那很成功