a. 成功的, 繁盛的, 幸运的
[经] 繁荣的, 昌盛的
s in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich
s very lively and profitable
s marked by peace and prosperity
s presaging or likely to bring good luck
1. Everybody prospered because you, because your vision.
大家都有钱赚 全靠了你 全靠你的 远瞩
2. Let's mend and prosper at the same time.
让我们一起改善 使其繁荣吧
3. "plans to prosper you and not to harm you.
是赐平安的意念 不是降灾祸的意念
4. I retired from a prosperous trade to settle with her here.
我做了笔大生意 准备功成身退 和她在这安定下来
5. I will not allow this treason to prosper.
6. He has brought peace and prosperity to this kingdom.
7. And if you work well, you can prosper here.
如果你干得好 你会赚到钱的
8. you remember where you buried the money, and we all prosper.
你会记起你把钱埋在哪里了 我们都会发财
9. That killer prospers by this radical ut.
10. We all want the same thing... peace and prosperity.
我们的愿望是一致的 都是和平与繁荣