n. 喧闹, 叫嚷, 大声的要求
v. 喧嚷, 大声地要求
n. loud and persistent outcry from many people
v. make loud demands
v. utter or proclaim insistently and noisily
1. They're clamoring, now, and I have to give it to them.
他们吵吵嚷嚷 我只能满足他们
2. I still have three networks clamoring for it.
3. The men are always clamoring for spanferkel.
4. Don't want everyone clamoring for the same perks.
5. I can't get an erection, not that anyone's clamoring for one.
我没法勃起 不像其他人的那样
6. But improv isn't just about a constant clamoring for attention and validation.
但即兴剧并不只是为了关注和肯定 就要一直大喊大叫
7. The world is clamoring to know what the hell is going on, and we can't tell them.
全世界都嚷嚷着想知道到底发生了什么 而我们却没法告诉他们
8. Every magazine is clamoring for your next short story.
9. I wish "1950s closeted father" was a look people were clamoring for.
真希望"五零年代深柜爸爸"风格 也是观众吵着要看的
10. No, as you can see, I'm surrounded by kind friends, all clamoring to help me.
没有 你也看到了 我身边都是些善良的朋友 争先恐后地要来帮我