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  • 分类:知识学习
  • 更新时间:2025-01-04
  • 发布时间:2024-12-09 02:25:45

音标: 英 ['pedәnt]

n. 自夸学问的人, 空谈家, 书呆子

n. a person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit


1. You know what? I do mean to be pedantic.

知道吗 我现在倒要较真

2. He's a little pedantic, but he's an armchair revolutionary.

他有点迂腐 但只是纸上谈兵

3. He is both intense and insightful without being pedantic.

他很热情 见解深刻却不迂腐

4. I think superior and pedantic today, thank you.

今天我想要点优越感和学究气质 谢谢

5. Actually, it is spice chicken and pandan leaves if we are being pedantic.

如果我们真要卖弄一番的话 应该说"香兰叶包香酥鸡尽在掌握“

6. Your reviews are pedantic, unoriginal, lacking insider clarity.

你的评论迂腐且毫无原创性 线索不可靠

7. The capital of a thousandyearold empire, it's also a pedant's heaven.

這里是千年帝國的首都 也是學究的天堂

8. pedantic teenager with deeper pockets than anybody else in this city.

有点书呆气 而且财力在城内无人能及的少年

9. Well, it's pedantic to insist, but one shouldn't end one's sentences with prepositions.

这样强调很迂腐 但不能用介词来作为句子的结尾

10. Absolutely adamant that those potions really worked, while I, a pedantic student, insisted it could only be a placebo effect.

她坚信那些药水真的有用 而我 一个爱卖弄学问的学生 坚持认为那只是有安慰剂的效果

