n. 破碎, 骨折
v. (使)破碎, (使)破裂
n. breaking of hard tissue such as bone
n. the act of cracking something
v. violate or abuse
v. interrupt, break, or destroy
1. He came in with bilateral orbital fractures, frontal skull fracture, and ethmoid sinus fracture.
他进来的时候两边眼眶骨折 前颅骨折 筛窦骨折
2. He won't tell us what happened, but he's got a fractured radius, fractured ulna, contusions on his upper body, front and back, and two fractured ribs.
他不肯告诉我们发生了什么 但是他的桡骨 尺骨骨折 上半身的前胸和后背都有撞伤的痕迹 还有两根肋骨也骨折了
3. It appears there's a fracture on the occipital, and avulsion fractures on the left mastoid process.
枕骨部位显示出一处骨折 左乳突部位也有多处撕脱骨折
4. There are multiple antemortem fractures of the pelvis, as well as oblique fractures of the femur.
他死前骨盆上有几处断裂 股骨上还有几处斜形骨折
5. Six rib fractures and also a neck fracture, but not as bad as the decapitation.
6处肋骨骨折 也有一处颈部骨折 但没有断头那么严重
6. Open skull fracture, multiple extremity fractures, failed chest.
开放性颅骨骨折 肢体多处骨折
7. Several antemortem wounds, facial lacerations, fractured jaw, a fractured skull.
数个生前伤 面部撕裂 下颚与颅骨骨折
8. Our first task is to separate the heat fractures from any other fractures that could indicate any other cause of death.
我们的首要任务是将受热造成的骨折 和其他死因可能造成的 骨折区分开来
9. He's got a chest bruise, left first rib fracture, proximal humerus fracture.
胸部淤血 左侧第一根肋骨骨折 肱骨近端骨折
10. Remodeled fractures along the skull and the face, healed parry fractures from warding off the aggressor.
头部到脸部都进行过骨头重塑手术 有抵挡侵犯者而造成的骨折痊愈的痕迹