adv. 过高地;过度地
r. to an exorbitant degree
1. It's exorbitantly scratchy and it's giving me anxiety.
2. I offer the men exorbitant wages to do the work.
3. It has no nutritional value, exorbitant levels of sodium.
又没营养 钠含量还那么高
4. You have an exorbitant number of tabletop board games.
5. He abuses our staff and refuses to pay his exorbitant tab.
他打我们店员 还不肯付清他的高额账单
6. They sold bread, pasta, coffee at exorbitant prices.
他们以高价售卖面包 意面和咖啡
7. A machine like this pulls an exorbitant amount of power from the grid.
要启动这样的机器 需要大量的电力支持
8. Their interest rates are exorbitant and their collection methods are rather stabby.
他们不仅利息高得吓人 收不到债的话他们就会直接捅人
9. 以換取迪士尼與索尼的內容授權 by charging exorbitant fees for the right to stream content.
網飛同意每年支付斯塔爾茲約三千萬美元 對流媒體內容收取高昂的版權費
10. 以换取迪士尼与索尼的内容授权 by charging exorbitant fees for the right to stream content.
网飞同意每年支付斯塔尔兹约三千万美元 对流媒体内容收取高昂的版权费