n. 夹鱼子或小鱼的烤面包
n. an appetizer consisting usually of a thin slice of bread or toast spread with caviar or cheese or other savory food
1. I stuff the flower with cream cheese for canapes.
2. So then we use the dentist coup or play a canape.
我们就用"牙医叫牌法" 或使用"卡纳佩式叫牌"
3. I have a selection of canapes for you to sample for tonight's reception.
我为今天的晚宴 挑选了一些开胃面包 请您品尝
4. My marriage is based on a bit more than canapes and "looking after".
我的婚姻可不只是建立在 烤面包和"关怀照料"上
5. Grab your ass a canape, the digits, and dip.
自己拿块点心 搞到她的号码 然后离开
6. I had a crash course last night over midget canapes.
7. And then you'll just go on living your life with your caviar canapes and your private jet.
然后你就可以继续过上好日子 吃着鱼子酱点心 坐着私人飞机
8. Although, given it's a soldout crowd, we will need another four dozen canapes.
不过 考虑到会座无虚席 我们还得再多加四打开胃小点心
9. No, I just think it'll be a warmer, more intimate party without strangers in vests wandering around with canapes.
不 我只是觉得如果没有穿着背心拿着小饼干的 陌生人到处走的话 这派对会更加温暖私密