n. (希腊和中东地区的)皮塔饼
n. usually small round bread that can open into a pocket for filling
1. I'm not gonna stick a pita up my pussy.
我不會把皮塔餅塞進我 的
2. It's, like, Indian bread. It's sorta like pita.
印度烤饼 有点类似皮塔饼
3. This thing ate a flatscreen like it was a pita chip.
4. Can't be any worse for us than eating hot dogs with pita buns.
5. Tsatsiki a garlic yogurt sauce and spices, all wrapped in a handy cone of toasted pita bread.
酸奶黄瓜酱 一种加入大蒜的酸奶酱 还有香料 放在一个方便手拿的皮塔饼圆筒里
6. I got kebabs, koftas, pita, thatthat garlic sauce that gives you the bubble guts you like that.
我买了烤肉串 肉丸 皮塔饼 还有蒜酱油 就是让你肚胀气那种 你不是喜欢吗