n. 倾斜度, 梯度, 坡度, 斜率
a. 渐升的, 渐降的, 步行的
n. a graded change in the magnitude of some physical quantity or dimension
n. the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the horizontal
1. The jet stream speed is also linked to a gradient but that gradient is different to that of a river.
急流的速度也与梯度有关 但它与河流中的梯度不同
2. There's only a really shallow gradient in height but that gradient is enough to keep the river flowing and I can measure how fast it's flowing using this and this is a flow meter.
只有很小的高度梯度 但这也足够让河流继续流动 而我可以用这个测定河水的流速 它是一个流量计
3. It's running from the ground, the higher ground, inland, out to the ocean but the jet stream is running because of a gradient in temperature and just like the river, when that temperature gradient becomes shallower, the jet stream slows down and starts to meander.
它从内陆的高处 流向大海 但急流流动的原因是温度梯度 且与河流类似 当温度梯度变小时 急流就开始减速并拐弯
4. The river here is running because of a gradient in height.
5. Pressure and temp gradients are going red.
6. The reason that the water in rivers moves is that it's flowing down a gradient.
河里的水会运动 是因为水顺梯度流下
7. Mercifully, the gradient eventually levelled out, but then it became very narrow.
感谢上帝 坡道慢慢变得平缓起来 但是它也变得非常狭窄
8. And if your gradient badge starts to blink green, run.
如果你的徽章闪绿光 就赶紧跑
9. The extrapolation protocols can't resolve the gradient fluxes in the bone shadings.
10. They must have some sort of myerportal tech or gradient warp field.
肯定有某种轨道传动技术 或者重力扭曲力场