vt. 把...做得过分, 过分依赖...的力量, 夸张, 把...演得过火
v exaggerate one's acting
1. Let's not overplay our hand here, judge.
别虚张声势了 法官大人
2. I believe you are overplaying your hand.
3. It would be reckless to overplay your hand so early in our acquaintance.
我们刚认识 就把好牌打烂 可太鲁莽了
4. If you overplay it, if he loses patience with your displays, you won't like how it ends.
要是你玩过火了 如果他对的表演失去耐心了 你不会喜欢那个结局的
5. Every year, there's an album that's so overplayed, you can't get away from it.
每年 都有播放到烂大街的一张专辑 躲都躲不掉
6. She's making some sappy speech and he's overplaying like crazy.
她在说些伤感的傻话 他的演技浮夸到极点
7. Garcia, those guys are easy to manipulate because they always overplay their hand.
加西亚 这些人很容易操控的 因为他们总是高估自己
8. I've trained myself to recognize when someone overplays their hand, and you did, just now.
我一直在训练我自己能够识别出 当人自以为得手时会露出马脚的表现 而你刚刚恰恰露了
9. Look, we overplay our head, he might cut bait, trigger the bombs early, cause as much destruction as possible.
要是我们轻举妄动 他可能索性提前引爆炸弹 尽可能地造成伤亡
10. You're overplaying your hand because you think we're desperate, but the truth is we're just desperate enough to trade a $40,000 car for a $2,000 piece of crap.
你现在信口开河 只因为你觉得我们走投无路了 但事实上 我们只是想用四万的车 跟你换两千块的垃圾