n. 打的人, 拍打树丛惊起猎物的人, 搅拌器
[化] 打浆机
n. a worker who rouses wild game from under cover for a hunter
n. an implement for beating
1. Once a wife beater, always a wife beater.
打过老婆一次 就会有第二次
2. It was a buzzer beater, but it's 10:27.
这是压哨球 但现在是十点二十七分
3. It's your window crank. I turned it into an egg beater.
是你的车窗摇把 我做成了打蛋器
4. I was the beater, rattling the bushes to drive the prey out.
我成了你的助猎者 打草惊蛇 引蛇出洞
5. I really hate a wife beater, I really do.
我很讨厌家暴的人 真的很讨厌
6. The real fact is that he is a woman and child beater.
事实就是 他打女人和孩子
7. Danny and I will light up the beater truck.
8. II don't want you to think we're bible beaters or anything.
我不想让你觉得我们是狂热的 徒什么的
9. It looks more like a roofer or a panel beater's hammer.
10. Yeah, and your accelerator's been about as reliable as the beater I drove in high school.
是啊 你的加速器简直 和我高中开的破车一样靠谱