n. 穷困, 贫穷
n. the quality of needing attention and affection and reassurance to a marked degree
1. She was very needy and I was vulnerable.
她当时很空虚 我很脆弱
2. You told me not to be needy, and I overcorrected.
你让我别写得太缺爱 结果我矫枉过正了
3. They're all impulsive and demanding and needy.
孩子冲动任性 要求多又粘人
4. How I was needy and a burden and an embarras ent.
我太粘人 是个负担 让她难堪
5. She would certainly have the neediness you need.
6. It comes off as needy and desperate.
会让人感觉你很缺爱 很饥渴
7. Adopt a needy family for the holidays.
8. A little advice don't come off as needy.
给你个小建议 别给人迫不及待的感觉
9. I'm afraid we've awoken a needy giant.
10. The one thing I am clear on is that they're needy.