n. 啁啾, 唧唧喳喳声
vi. 啭, 啁啾, 颤抖
vt. 嘁嘁喳喳地讲, 抖动
n a series of chirps
v make high-pitched sounds, as of birds
1. With the instagram, the twitter, and the youtube.
照片分享 微博和視頻站
2. My office loves your stuff on twitter.
3. I loaded it up for you with twitter, instagram, facebook.
我為你裝了 推特 圖片分享 臉書
4. Blanket the redstate influencers on twitter and facebook.
5. And then I find out through twitter that we've all been locked in by shipping containers.
然后我在推特上发现 我们被集装箱封锁了
6. Chip, stay with me while I post this on twitter.
奇普 在我發推特時跟我一起
7. twitter is not provided in your current internet package.
8. twitter's gonna be roasting somebody else, so it's cool.
推特上又会涌现其他红人 这件事就平息了
9. She has 3 million twitter followers and even more on Instagram.
她推特上有三百万个粉丝 Instagram上的更多
10. She has 46,000 followers on twitter and two nannies.
她在推特上有四万六千个粉丝 还有两个保姆