n. 得体, 礼貌, 正派
[法] 正当, 正派, 合乎礼仪
n. the quality of conforming to standards of propriety and morality
n. the quality of being polite and respectable
1. No, I'm with the committee for decency.
不是 我是礼仪委员会的
2. This is not about love, it's about decency.
这和爱情无关 这是做个厚道的人
3. Have some decency. It's about her family.
放尊重点 是关于她的家人
4. They all had the decency to use the whip.
他们都是体面人 都用鞭子
5. I should think you'd have the decency to be embarrassed yourself.
6. What I'm saying is you have a streak of decency.
7. A man has the decency not to up.
8. He cannot turn you away if he has any decency at all.
9. You stifle under the weight of all that decency.
10. At least have the decency not to lie to me.
最起码尊重一下 不要对我说谎