n. 绅士, 男人, 先生
n. used as an Italian courtesy title; can be prefixed to the name or used separately
1. signore, we have something special for you.
先生 我们给你带来了特别的东西
2. signors, today each of you have made your loyalties clear.
诸位是否忠心 我已经一清二楚
3. Well, we are simple merchants, signor, and we must be on our way.
我们只是普通商人 先生 我们得走了
4. I'm sure you'll see to the restoration of the palace in due time, signore.
我相信你会在适当的时候 修缮好宫殿的 先生
5. signors, let us answer the call for new leadership.
诸位 来回应对新领袖的呼唤吧