n. 初学者
n someone new to a field or activity
n a person who founds or establishes some institution
1. Even beginner drivers know that, and you're far from a beginner.
新司机都知道这点 你早就是老司机了
2. No, for a beginner you're pretty good.
不 对初学者来说你确实很不错
3. I'm sure this is beginner's luck. I'm sure of it.
这一定是新手的运气 一定是的
4. It seemed to me, a beginner, to be far too dangerous.
对于当时还是初学者的我来说 这实在太危险了
5. Then I would recommend our ski school, for beginners.
针对初学者 我推荐你参加我们的滑雪班
6. This is a good pace for a beginner like you.
对初跑者而言 这是不错的节奏
7. It's my first felony, so... beginner's luck.
这是我第一次犯法 所以是新手运气好
8. Latin, mathematics... I confess I'm a beginner myself.
拉丁文 数学 我承认自己也是个初学者
9. Not my choice for beginners, but she only wanted to use that.
我不会为初学者选这个 但她只想用这个
10. It's a little hard to explain to beginners.