原始, 原始性
n a wild or unrefined state
1. It's not just a all brain and a primitivelooking face, but the foot's primitive, the hand's primitive, the leg is primitive.
Сԭʼ沿 ǵֽŹҲʮԭʼ ȲҲ
2. But primitive, like no flush toilet primitive.
屋子很原始 连抽水马桶都没有
3. These primitive ogue communication devices are quite...primitive.
这些原始的模拟通讯装置 非常...原始
4. Maston finds it unfair hunting primitives with anything but their own primitive armaments.
马斯顿觉得 杀原始人 用他们自己的原始武器才公平
5. What will you do here? It's so primitive.
你留在这里能干什么 这里这么原始
6. Radio is far too primitive for them.
7. You saw that camp. It was primitive.
你见过那个营地 十分简陋
8. It appears to be made up of primitives.
9. Dickie! It isn't. It's ing primitive.
迪克 文明个屁 简直是原始社会
10. That's what makes it so primitive and mysterious.