n. 接合, 连接, 接缝
n. an event that occurs at a critical time
n. a crisis situation or point in time when a critical decision must be made
1. At this juncture, nothing should be ruled out.
此时此刻 没什么不可能的
2. But at this juncture, your expertise is not required.
但在这个当口 不需要你的专业意见
3. At this juncture, it's all about soft hands.
在这个关键时刻 最重要的就是下手轻
4. But perhaps, at this juncture, we should consider rescheduling.
但可能现在这情况 我们还是考虑一下重新安排
5. Okay. I mean, it's tough at this juncture.
好的 恐怕这段时间去不了
6. I'd say our priority at this juncture is the jury.
7. Your father and I are at a critical juncture in our process.
8. Now, it's worth pointing out, at this juncture, that this is not a photograph.
在此關鍵時刻 我有必要指出 這不是張照片
9. Frankly surprised to hear about your injury at this late juncture.
没想到你胳膊的骨折 一直没有痊愈
10. You... you know that it's not prudent at this juncture to reveal the names of the other investors.
你也知道 在这个节骨眼上 不太适合披露投资方的姓名