a. 液化的
v. 液化, 溶解( liquefy的过去式和过去分词 )
s. reduced to a liquid state
1. So I would say his organs are not liquefied.
所以我说 他的器官没有液化
2. Walter says that his organs haven't liquefied.
3. ...or letting an outside party liquefy our business.
4. liquefied the cubes and created an unbalanced load.
5. Causes a hemorrhagic fever that liquefies your organs.
会引起出血热 溶解器官
6. I liquefied the meat, then placed it in an alginate bath.
我先把肉液化 然后用藻朊酸盐腌制
7. Metal cannot liquefy at any temperature below 3,000 degrees.
在任何低于三千度以下的溫度 金屬是無法溶解的
8. One more step and I'll liquefy your bangs, pretty boy.
再上前一步 我就把你的刘海液化了 小白脸
9. Medical records ama database liquefied brains.
医疗记录 医学协会数据库 液态大脑
10. Tear the petals off four flower heads and blitz until it's liquefied.
将四朵金盏花的花瓣撕下 搅拌成糊状