n. 艾伦(男子名)
n. United States comedienne remembered as the confused but imperturbable partner of her husband, George Burns (1906-1964)
n. United States filmmaker and comic actor (1935-)
n. a soldier of the American Revolution whose troops helped capture Fort Ticonderoga from the British (1738-1789)
1. allen, the boy who's staying with us.
艾伦 和我们 同住的那个男孩
2. allen, you're starting to sound a little crazy.
艾伦 你的话听起来有点疯狂了
3. allen's going to go into his father's business.
4. allen is the most honest man I have ever known.
5. allen told me he's someone to be concerned with, and there's this photo here from 1947.
艾伦告诉我要十分注意这个人 然后还有1947年的这张照片
6. allen isnvesgating flying saucers for the government, and I need to find out what the hell is going on.
艾伦在为政府调查飞碟 我要知道到底发生了什么
7. allen's a professor at the local university, and I was worried that if someone saw me in a place like that.
艾伦是本地大学的教授 我有点担心如果有人在那种地方看见我
8. allen saved a woman, and in doing so, saved her child, who I am happy to report was born less than an hour ago.
艾伦救了一位孕妇 也救下了她肚里的孩子 很高兴地通知大家 一小时前孩子已经顺利产下
9. allen's working on some really strange things stuff I never would've even imagined before, let alone believed in.
艾伦在捣鼓一些很奇怪的东西 一些我以前从来都没想过的东西 更别提去相信了