[计] 少数的, 寡头的
a. of or relating to or supporting or characteristic of an oligarchy
1. Well, working for the oligarchs has its perks.
为这种寡头 执政者工作有它的好处
2. I am honored you came, now that you're an oligarch.
我真高兴你来了 电竞寡头大人
3. What's come over you? I know. I'm like some oligarch.
你这是怎么了 是吧 我感觉像寡头 家
4. My oligarch tank continued to glide north.
5. The 138 oligarchs whose sanctions won't be lifted.
有138位寡头 集团成员将会受到制裁
6. Yeah, but there must be dozens of billionaire oligarchs out there.
是啊 但身家数十亿的的寡头 家 一定有几十个
7. Plutocrats and oligarchs are always afforded special treatment.
8. Uh, yes, the gentry made millions off the oligarchs.
9. And in the meantime, the oligarchs buy out the government and they rape the economy.
与此同时 寡头们买通了政府 掠走了金融大权
10. What I have been given is rumors of a sanctionbreaking oligarch arming rebels.
我得到的只有关于一个 破坏制裁的寡头武装叛乱分子的传言