n. 过失, 失态, 出丑
n a socially awkward or tactless act
1. I know this gaff. It's one of them peepholes.
我知道这地方 就是那种 孔
2. I'll blow this gaff up with you and your old woman in it.
3. There's something seriously wrong with this gaff.
4. And our mole's no doubt blown the gaff on them, too.
毋庸置疑 我们的内奸肯定也暴露了他们的行踪
5. Right, off you go, get out, my gaff for the night.
你们走吧 出去 晚上是我的地盘
6. He is hiding in those pages, but I am the trap, the poison, the gun and the gaff.
他就藏在字里行间 而我就是能捕获他的陷阱 毒药 猎枪 鱼叉
7. We're gonna need some art for the gaff, and then a good false blowoff.
我们需要一些艺术品来当做赌注 然后假装放水给他们
8. The whole world knows it's this shandy gaff who's blurting our plans.
9. Hassan gets battered, police turn up at your gaff, find a wrench with his blood on.
哈桑遭到了毒打 警察去了你家 发现了一把带有他的血迹的扳手
10. The bird's flight, the hare's dash, the leap of the salmon before the trap, the poison, the gun, the gaff.
禽鸟高飞 野兔猛冲 三文鱼在渔网前的跳跃 那些毒药 猎枪和鱼叉