n. 颈动脉
a. 颈动脉的
a. of or relating to either of the two major arteries supplying blood to the head and neck
1. There's too much blood. I can't see the carotid.
血太多了 我看不到颈动脉
2. Well, because I've seen what it does to a carotid artery.
3. The victim bled out when her carotid was cut.
被害人颈动脉被割穿 失血过量致死
4. Explosive exsanguination from the carotid, punctured by this.
颈动脉处的爆破放血 凶器是 这个
5. There are some subdural hematomas and plaques in both his carotids.
他的两侧颈动脉都有些 硬膜下血肿和血小板
6. The haemorrhage is from the severance of the left carotid.
7. She whacks him across the carotid with a pipe.
8. The wound severed both his jugular and his carotid.
9. Go for the carotid artery, here, or the stomach.
要割颈动脉 这儿 或者捅肚子
10. Jamming that into your carotid artery would do the trick.