adv. 勇敢地
r in a courageous manner
1. So even if it's about courage, it's about white courage.
所以就算是关于勇气 也是白人的勇气
2. Connor, you watch your father, but despite all, there's much to take example from his courage, his courage and his love.
康纳 看着 爸 虽然他有种种不是 他还是有很多值得你学习的地方 他的勇气 他的勇气和他的爱
3. I said I'd have courage, but I don't.
我说过我会坚强勇敢的 但是我做不到
4. It was it was not courage, if that's what you're thinking.
这 这并不是勇气 如果你这么觉得的话
5. And then when it does, we don't have the courage to talk about it.
产生感觉后 我们又没勇气去谈谈这事
6. and your courage and what you are about to do for everyone.
和你的勇气 和你即将为所有人做的感到骄傲
7. She did not have the courage to do what you just did.
8. I was courageous too, much more than you.
我也很勇敢 比你更勇敢
9. I'd have married him if I'd had the courage.
如果我是个勇敢的人 我会嫁给他的
10. But only through the care and courage of their family.