n. 柏油碎石, 柏油碎石路
n a paving material of tar and broken stone; mixed in a factory and shaped during paving
n a paved surface having compressed layers of broken rocks held together with tar
v surface with macadam
1. It was way out on the tarmac. It was nighttime.
他们在很远的跑道上 而且还是夜里
2. Dark dead on the tarmac over and over again.
暗夜里死寂地停在跑道上 一遍又一遍
3. They were thrown off an airplane on the tarmac.
4. Then he's pronounced dead on the tarmac.
5. That's all right. ...you're back on the tarmac.
看起来还好 ...你回到柏油路面上了
6. All she's talked about since she stepped on the tarmac.
7. We're gonna meet your family on the tarmac.
8. I have some friends meeting us on the tarmac.
9. Our driver will take you to the tarmac.
10. So there's gonna be a plane waiting for you and your team on the tarmac.
停机坪上会有架飞机 等待你和你的组员