n. 房间, 公寓
n. a suite of rooms usually on one floor of an apartment house
1. It's my new apartment. It's our apartment.
我的新公寓 我们的公寓
2. An actual pool at my apartment, my other apartment.
我公寓里的真正游泳池 我另外一间公寓
3. But there's an apartment, a very expensive apartment, they're about to close on.
但有一间公寓 一间非常昂贵的公寓 他们快要签合同了
4. They moved into some apartment building that's falling apart.
5. When they tore the book apart, they tore me apart.
他们把手册撕碎的时候 也就把我撕碎了
6. we ran from apartment to apartment until there was nowhere else to go.
我们开始不停地搬家 直到已经无处可藏
7. A year or so into the marriage, it all fell apart and it blew me apart.
大约一年后我们结婚了 幸福在他离开的刹那崩塌 我深受打击
8. No, we each have each had our own apartment.
不 我们每人 之前每人都各自用一套
9. Now that our cover is blown, let's tear her apartment apart.
既然现在已经暴露了 就索性把她的住处搜个底朝天吧
10. Apart from what it is and how it's doing it.