n. 电子
[化] 电子
n. an elementary particle with negative charge
1. But in fact, if you attenuate this beam of electrons, so there's only one electron going through at a time, you still see this interference pattern, even though there's only one electron, so the wave for one electron goes through both slits at once, ends up on the screen, interferes and makes this pattern.
但是实际上 如果你减弱这一电子束 直到一次只有一个电子通过 你仍能看到这一干涉图样 尽管只有一个电子 但是它却像波一样同时穿过双缝 在屏幕上 显示出发生干涉后的图样
2. Which means he pays for those electrons in electron microscope of yours.
这就意味着他将为你那些 电子显微镜的电子付钱
3. I can give it to you electronically, you can give it to someone else electronically.
我可以以电子的方式给你钱 你也可以以电子的方式给别人
4. Modern technology has made it possible to do sophisticated electronic surveillance with stuff from your local electronics store.
现代科技已经可以让你 用从家门口的电器店里淘来的东西 制造复杂的电子监控设备
5. This tree here doesn't look very mathematical at first sight, but if we look really closely at this bark, it's made of cells, that are made of molecules, that are made of atoms, that are made of quarks and electrons, and as far as we can tell, neither the electrons nor the quarks, nor any of the other particles that make up all of this have any properties at all, except for mathematical properties.
第一眼看去 这棵树也不像是数学的 然而如果我们仔细看这块树皮 它是由细胞构成的 细胞由分子构成 分子由原子构成 原子由夸克和电子构成 据我们所知 无论是电子还是夸克 还是构成这些的其它任何粒子 除了具有数学上的性质之外 不具备别的任何性质
6. I... I... I don't have it on me, because it's all electronic now.
我没带在身上 因为现在都是电子的了
7. This is where I keep the electronics.
8. You could do all of that if you had an electronic chip on the car.
如果车上有电子芯片 这完全可以做到
9. "It's all done electronically. I can't help you.
"都是电子技术操控 我帮不了你"
10. You didn't respond to any of my electronic communications.
我和你的电子通信 你全都没回应