a. 游览者的, 游览者喜欢的
s visited by throngs of tourists
1. Please tell me we don't look that touristy.
千万别告诉我 我们像那种观光游客
2. You know, trying to avoid the touristy stuff.
3. We're hoping that if we use a all, touristy camera then we won't get stopped or detained.
希望我们改用小型游客式相机时 不会被拦下或拘留
4. Patrick's letting me stay at his place, but I promised I wouldn't drag him around to all the touristy things.
帕特里克让我住在他家 但我答应过他 不会拖他去各种旅游景点
5. While each of those hill towns are famous and very touristy, the explorer who gets off the beaten path can still find hill towns with much less touri .
虽然每一个山村小镇都很有名气 并被旅游者所青睐 但当游客走在偏僻之处时 仍能发现不少尚未发展旅游的小山城