adv. 谨慎地, 小心地
r. with discretion; prudently and with wise self-restraint
1. If we did, it would have to be discreet.
如果见面 必须小心翼翼
2. I hope you were more discreet with what's on this.
3. But he's been promiscuous and not discreet.
但是他一直很随便 还很不检点
4. What you did... that was the opposite of discreet.
而你的所为 完全背道而驰
5. Let's slow this down. I need to be discreet.
我们慢慢来 我需要低调谨慎
6. Which is why we need you to handle this discreetly.
7. I'm a guest, so I'll be as discreet as you want.
我是客人 所以我会尽量谨慎的
8. I am the most discreet person I know.
我是我认识的人里 言行最谨慎的
9. You told me to be discreet, so I set up in here.
你告诉我要保密 所以我就到这来了