n. 蝗虫, 蚱蜢, 蝉
n. migratory grasshoppers of warm regions having short antennae
n. hardwood from any of various locust trees
1. I told you, you had to be ready for locusts.
我说了 要准备好消灭「蝗虫」
2. I'll be able to tell by the plague of locusts.
3. They're nothing but locusts that swarm the earth.
4. Wetas are primitive relatives of the locust, but they can't fly.
沙螽是蝗虫的远古近亲 它们却不会飞
5. It's a block away from a grove of black locust trees.
6. And he talks about the locusts having scales like iron breastplates.
然后他说蝗虫有鳞甲 像是坚硬的铁胸甲
7. Plagues of locusts and boils, rivers thick with blood.
蝗灾和热疖瘟疫降临 河水鲜艳如血
8. Authorities say the locusts could return in as soon as four months.
9. Humanity has spread unchecked across this world, ravishing it like locusts.
人性在全世界肆意滋长 如蝗虫一般散播