n. 鸟类羽毛
n the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds
1. But that was after she made her own money in the plumage industry, thank you very much.
但她之前 就在羽毛产业捞了一笔 谢谢
2. During rehearsals, a young male in juvenile plumage stands in for the female.
排舞时 一只仍有雏羽的雄幼鸟代表雌鸟
3. Its tiny vestigial wings are invisible, buried in its plumage and it has lost all sign of a tail.
它退化了的小翅膀藏在羽毛里 它的尾巴也已完全消失
4. As they prepare for a life in the ocean, they preen away their baby fluff to reveal their plumage underneath.
为了准备在海里的生活 他们啄掉了自己的绒毛 露出了底下成年企鹅的羽毛
5. Her dappled green plumage camouflages her against attacks from falcons, but even so, she won't dare to venture into the topmost branches until it's dark.
它身披绿色带有斑纹的羽毛 足以令它免受猎鹰的攻击 尽管如此 它也不敢在白天冒险爬上最顶端的枝杈
6. But, yeah, maybe now I'll fan out my plumage, so to speak, and see what pretty birdies might share my nest.
但现在我或许决定褪下我的面具 也就是说 看看准备跟哪只漂亮的鸟儿共享爱巢
7. Chestnut plumage, dark iris, yellow talons: just waiting to snatch up a little field mouse.
栗色羽毛 黑色鸢尾 爪子 迫不及待地想抓住小田鼠了