a. of or relating to the gonads
1. And if you have to, use the scientific term: gonads.
非说不可的话就说学名 生殖腺
2. before the long arm of the law reaches out and grabs you by the gonads.
在他们的法网 把你罩住之前跑路
3. They gonads don't make sex steroids, and it's like a pause button.
性腺就不会制造性类固醇 就像按下了暂停键
4. They can shoot the gonads off a bullfrog from 1,000 meters out.
5. That's just like you focused on a man's beard with so much intensity you miss his foot coming up to kick you in the gonads.
你就是这样的人 你全神贯注地盯着一个人的胡子看 没注意到他的脚抬起来踢向你的大本营