n. 生命
1. And then you,and then zoe,and then me.
然后是你 然后是祖伊 然后是我
2. zoe and I are staying here for a while.
3. zoe, you could be with any other guy.
佐伊 你跟谁在一起都可以
4. zoe didn't talk to me much after that.
5. zoe, thanks again for having us over.
佐伊 再次感谢你邀请我们过来
6. zoe, we have to applaud your creativity.
祖伊 我们要为你的创造力鼓掌
7. zoe, I'm not taking you to the airport.
佐伊 我不會送你到機場的
8. zoe, that fixer we've been looking for, he's on the jury.
佐伊 我们找的那个掮客 他也在陪审团中
9. zoe, thank you so much for your note.
佐伊 你的留言看得人家好感动了啦
10. zoe, I want to go out with you to a concert.
佐伊 我想和你一起去看演唱会