a. 淫秽的, 猥亵的, 讨人厌的, 可憎的
[法] 猥亵的, 海洋的, 污秽的
s. designed to incite to indecency or lust
1. I can't play a schoolmate of these children, it's obscene.
我演不了这群小孩的同学 太羞耻了
2. He had some talent, but told the most obscene jokes.
他有点才华 但讲的黄段子真是一绝
3. The price the woman wrote down was obscene.
4. Once is bad enough, three times is obscene.
骗一次就够差劲了 三次简直下流
5. He had said over three words and none of them were obscenities.
他说了超过三个词 其中没有一个猥亵下流的词汇
6. We have to make sure we don't say anything obscene.
7. obscenely pretentious and, in this case, quite deadly.
非常美味 但在这案子里就非常致命了
8. And I will not let him turn that into something obscene.
9. I do not have a warning, possibly obscenity pisstake mode.
警告 可能有不良字眼 我没有挖苦模式