a. 生动的, 如画的, 独特的, 别致的, 栩栩如生的
s. suggesting or suitable for a picture; pretty as a picture
s. strikingly expressive
1. The entire town is so strangely picturesque.
2. It's supposed to be perfectly picturesque, with the most amazing shopping.
据说风景如画 而且是购物的天堂
3. After that, we enjoyed a picturesque walk and a philosophical debate.
随后 我们在美如画的环境里闲庭信步了一会儿 并且做了一场哲学辩论
4. The slave quarters here now look charmingly picturesque.
5. And we have here this beautiful, picturesque hilltop town in the middle of Italy.
我们是个位于意大利中部 风景如画的山巅小镇
6. Not in externals, but her inner landscape is quite picturesque, I suspect.
外表不是 但她的内心是美丽的 我猜想
7. But in these picturesque surroundings, the beauty of the art makes death seem more noble, more familiar.
但在这个独特的环境中 艺术之美让死亡显得更高贵 更亲近
8. Fjords like these are so quintessentially picturesque that they've come to define our romantic vision of the north sublime, savage and quite overpowering.
这些峡湾是如此如画般典雅 不禁让人如此定义北方的传奇景观 庄严 原始 令人难以抗拒