a. 肠的, 肠内的
[医] 肠的
a. of or relating to or inside the intestines
1. We've determined the fistula between your bladder and intestine an inflammatory intestinal condition.
我们已经确定 你膀胱和肠之间的瘘管 一种发炎性肠道疾病
2. Scarring in the intestinal tract, severe bleeding in the lower intestine, dehydration, blood in the faeces.
肠道有瘢痕 下肠严重出血 脱水 便血
3. ...I'll strangle you with your own intestines.
4. Or I'll strangle you with your own intestines.
5. We found these in his large intestine.
6. I think these are what's left of his intestines.
7. And if he doesn't poop it out, it could rupture his intestine.
如果排不出来 可能会弄破他的肠子
8. We removed most of your all intestine.
9. One's in the stomach, the other all intestine.
一块在胃里 一块在小肠里
10. If you're lying, you'll be picking your intestines up off this sidewalk.
如果你撒谎的话 你就等着去人行道上 捡你的肠子吧