n. 不安定, 不稳定
[医] 不稳定性
n. an unstable order
n. unreliability attributable to being unstable
n. the quality or attribute of being unstable and irresolute
1. Well, she blamed me for her instability.
2. So there were indicators of mental instability from the start.
3. Climate instability put pressure on all of them.
4. It's on me to be ready to address any subsequent instability.
应对任何 即将出现的不安定情况是我的职责
5. Character and excitement. instability and drama.
个性和 不稳重和浮夸
6. People are worried about the instability that would follow if she dies.
人们在担心 如果她死了国家会陷入动荡之中
7. The resulting instability is causing an exothermic reaction.
8. Captain, I'm registering gravimetric instability in the planetoid.
艦長 我探測發現小行星的引力不穩定
9. First, I can surgically repair the instability.
第一个 我可以手术修复寰枢椎不稳
10. They didn't know about her criminal history or her mental instability.
他们不知道她有犯罪前科 也不知道她精神不稳定